Quote of the Day
A bit of a part 2 to last week’s QOD, since I still find myself struggling to make as much time to write creatively as I’d like. The reality is that right now I have to choose: write, edit, or read. I can hardly find time to do even one of the three in a given day, which means that I short all of them. There are good reasons and a million other priorities that need to come first (or second, or third) in my life right now, and that’s the way it should be, but still. This novel I’m working on would get done a whole lot faster if I didn’t also have three different books on my night stand, or have my eye on various short story submission contests, or have a day job that requires me to edit constantly so that the last thing I want to do in the evenings is edit even more! What’s your secret to prioritizing the creative aspects of your life?